
TN AgrAbility Area Specialists

TN AgrAbility Area Specialists with UT Extension provide education and on-farm assistance to farmers and their family members, as well as a variety of disability awareness education programs for agricultural and medical professionals and the general public.

Eileen Legault Profile Page
Eileen Legault
Ext Area Specialist III, Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications
Joetta Turbeville White Profile Page
Joetta Turbeville White
Ext Area Specialist III, Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications

Nonprofit Partners

When authorizing USDA funding for the AgrAbility Project, Congress required that the projects include nonprofit disability services organizations in the work plan. These organizations have experience with various aspects of disabilities that Extension traditionally has not addressed, and they serve as valuable assets to help Extension serve the needs of people with disabilities. Our nonprofit partner is:

STAR Center, Inc.
1119 Old Humboldt Road
Jackson, TN 38305

Jennifer Cunningham, OTR/L, ATP

Occupational Therapy Instructor

The TSU Occupational Therapy program trains professionals that help individuals perform activities of daily life, such as self-care skills or work skills. Our nonprofit partner is:

Lauren Beard, OTD, MOT, OTR/L, CPAM
Assistant Professor/Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Tennessee State University
Department of Occupational Therapy
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37209

Project Directors

In addition to managing the reporting requirements for the project, the project directors assist Rural Rehabilitation Specialists with education and outreach activities. They also provide technical assistance.

Patrick T Dugger Profile Page
Patrick T Dugger
Coordinator II, Center for Profitable Agriculture
Finis Stribling III Profile Page
Finis Stribling III
TSU – Extension Specialist I, Extension Evaluation and Staff Development

National AgrAbility Project

The National AgrAbility Project provides training and assistance for the state and regional projects, and hosts an annual National Training Workshop for AgrAbility staff. The current National AgrAbility Project is based at Purdue University and associated with the Breaking New Ground project

National AgrAbility Project
Breaking New Ground Resource Center
Purdue University
ABE Bldg., 225 South University Street
West Lafayette IN 47907-2093