Frontline Gardens founders Mike (TN AgrAbility farmer) and Stephanie Trost give back to our heroes who served on the front lines of the battlefield and to those law enforcement officers on the front lines here at home. Frontline Gardens are currently working on their ninth raised bed garden since the program started in December 2020 during a pandemic. Their main goal is to give heroes a respite from the stressors of the world they live in and to receive help with issues that plague them. Therapy has been designed to help those who struggle with PTSD in conjunction with a gardening program. Visit www.frontlinegardens.org to learn more about the program and to see stories like Sgt. Joseph Gaulton’s: “Having these planters at the right height will allow me to watch my new vegetables grow and care for them my way. This pandemic has been so limiting for me. The things I tried to do before the pandemic are no longer available, so I am stuck at home day in and day out. Having my own garden along with therapy gives me something at home that I can do. For the first time in a long time, I am excited about something. I look forward to seeing my plants grow. I want to thank everyone involved for helping me not feel forgotten. It is so easy to get in your own head and not see your own value. I appreciate the Jack Daniels planters, herb box, seeds and support I feel from Frontline Gardens. I could not have built them on my own, so thank you to the builders.”
Additional gardens are planned for 2021.